Depends on the size of the bay – Maximum 5 chickens in a
smaller bay – 7 chickens in a larger bay.
How many chickens in a nest box?
8 chickens per nest box bay.
How many eggs does a hen lay?
Average of 5 per week – can go as much as 7 eggs per week
with proper care and feeding.
How many chickens in a breeder house?
7- 8 chickens per square meter.
How many chickens in a layer house?
Depends whether you are using layer cages or nest boxes.
How many chickens in a broiler house?
12 – 22 chickens per sqm
How many chickens in a free range chicken house?
Inside the chicken house – 10 for broilers, 6 for layering
hens. Outside – 5 chickens per sqm
How many chickens in an organic chicken house?
Inside the chicken house – 10 for broilers, 6 for layering
hens. Outside – 4 chickens per sqm
How chickens per bell drinker?
75 – 100 chickens.
How many chickens per tube feeder?
33 chickens per feeder.
How many chickens per nipple?
12 – 14 chickens per nipple.
How many chickens per trough on a chain feeder?
2.5cm per broiler along the length of the trough.
How many chicken per chicken fount?
100 chickens per water fount.
How long does a broiler take to grow?
Depends on the weight you want and what type of farming –
organic chickens 12 weeks, free range chickens 11 weeks, intensive chicken
farming between 4 and 6 weeks.
How many chickens per gas brooder?
Depends on the size of your brooder. – Gasoec G12 gas
brooder – 2500 – 3000 broilers, M8 Gasolec gas heater 1000 – 1200 chickens.
Note that if you have a drafty house it will affect these figures.
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